

  • when moving nameservers to cloudflare; make sure the domain contact emails are valid.

My DNS disappeared

When setting up this blog I used (re-used) I wanted to route through cloudflare, mainly (but not only) for the free ssl.

NB. I cloudflare.

I have gone through the process of moving nameservers from a domain registrar to cloudflare many times, always without a hitch… but this time the domain simply vanished. The nameservers listed by my registrar looked good, cloudflare setup looked good, but the internet disagreed:

domain not found

I got ‘there is no record of this domain’ from various online tools.

On the second support call to my registrar, the support guy read my domain back to me and continued with [email protected] as my contact details.

Finally the penny dropped…

I bought the domain many years ago and had never updated the contact details. Nildram was my isp many moons ago and no longer exists. I updated the contact details for the domain and within 3 minutes received an email from cloudflare; the domain transfer was successful.

So, if your nameserver transfer stalls leaving your domain in limbo; check the domain contact email address is valid.